Raincoat Kids 3: the Nightmares of the Depths
The siblings are reunited with Setsuya, who is forced to reconcile his dedication to own mission with his loneliness since Minato took Shizu away from Aurora House. With their self-proclaimed bodyguard nowhere in sight, Minato and Shizu must prepare to defend themselves against not only whatever the ominous moving theme park may hold, but against the Nightmares that Setsuya is traveling with...and, maybe, against Setsuya himself and the drippy-drippy ghosts born of inner turmoil that he may not be able to suppress. The true nature of the submerged city, the facility of Aurora House, and the Nightmare children come further into focus in this next volume of Raincoat Kids!
- Artist: Yoimachi Meme
- Pages: 41